Entropiae EN - eBook en anglais
eBook, disponible aux formats Mobi, ePub et lit.
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First published in French, this book is a collection of short stories by Edouard B. W., divided into three parts.
The 1rst will take you through short stories that could be considered disturbing emotional games. Integrated into the narrative, you will live through an impossible love story with a couple, observe two unlikely friends who walk tirelessly around the same block, and experience the difficult awakening of a student after a typical boozy evening.
You will know that the most effective terror only occurs every day in real life.
The second part is about the awakening of the consciousness of humanity: it's high time we discover our origins... and our future. You will be immersed in a merciless criticism of the society we have created, a questioning of our legitimacy on this Earth. But don’t worry, there will be a positive note at the end.
The third part is ... simply a bonus! This almost autobiographical text tells the story of the overflow of a father's mutual love for his daughter, following their reunion after a long month of vacation.
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